Behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass. ~Alma 37:6

Behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass. ~Alma 37:6

October 17, 2011


Eating Tortoise

Wait... is it already almost Halloween!?!?! Oh boy, it feels like last week was Halloween 2010 en Boaco.

Hey that is a great goal, to read the Book of Mormon in the year. But you should also make it your goal to read it every day. That way you get the blessings every day! Even if it is only a little bit that you read. I also like the Disney World goal! Harry Potter Theme Park sounds good to me!!!

Hey that is neat that Aubrey is going to serve a mission. Tell her congratulations from me.

Arrrrr! Well the office didn’t send the bag this last week. So I have not shipped the SD Cards, they send the bag Tuesdays, so maybe it gets here Wednesday or Thursday and then I send it back the same day... I don’t know if it will get there on time but I will try.

For Sunday dinner we almost had Corn Flakes. But we ended up eating... Arroz, Frijoles, (not mixed) platanos fritos, rice, and lemonade. I can’t remember if there was a meat.

Ha ha well we’ve only been to the port were we get on the panga. And really I don’t think that it counts as the ocean. It is technically a bay. But it is really big and looks like the ocean! I don’t think I have taken any photos like that I will look. (The photo I sent is from on top of our house)

Oh we had some great lessons this week. Last night we taught a great lesson to our family most positive. In the closing prayer we kneeled with them and the Dad asked in his prayer for help so that they could get baptized. It was really sweet. So we have a couple baptisms coming up. The branch has been doing great here. We have had 12 investigators in Church for the last three weeks.

My comp says my shirt says 16 1/2. I don’t know I have lost a little bit of weight. Maybe a more fitted shirt would be good too ha ha. As far as clothes go I don’t need anything. But my shirts might be a little yellow.

Hannah, I don’t know if they celebrate in Halloween in Bluefields! Everyone has told me that Navidad is really neat but nobody has mentioned Halloween. I will have to ask today.

Good luck with deadlines Dad!

I am glad to hear your shoulder is doing better mom, you should stretch more.

Ha ha! Alexis already ran back to home base.

Mom, if I can’t send the cards to the office I am just going to send them in the mail. I am sure they will get there. For the pumpkin, you can surprise me! I think a cool idea would be a missionary name tag. But I don’t know how you could do that. Or the Nicaraguan flag or a map of Nicaragua or the Book of Mormon... ha ha etc. Love you mom.

Good luck in Spanish!!! ha ha and the PSAT Emily. Those kinds of tests are super important. I wish I would have taken the SAT but I didn’t. Love you.

AHH!! No bad grades in science Hannah! Haha I am sure you will be fine. And good luck with Molly Mouse and the busy life!
Ps I love you.

Gracias, I love you,

Elder Hardy

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