Behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass. ~Alma 37:6

Behold I say unto you, that by small and simple things are great things brought to pass. ~Alma 37:6

June 6, 2011


Buenas, ok so if I ever get the chance to buy a cheap MP3 I will stop being Pinche (stingy) and get it.

Sounds like another testimony building answered prayer to me with the float. I like those. I am so glad that the lady is willing to help. You are going to win the best float now too if we keep praying.

My companion? He just finished 1 year in the mission a couple of weeks ago. He is senior comp. too.

Well this week we taught a lot to our most positive family we have right now. They are really nice and are already building strong testimonies. We started a competition with them to see who could read el Libro de Mormón first. They are beating me.

So, we had their first family home evening with them Thursday. It was very nice and we even "cooked" (bought) dinner for them. Ha ha. They invited us to have a barbeque with them last night. Which was great.

But after church the sister that feeds the sister missionaries invited us to lunch at her house. And then we went home and ate lunch at our house. And I had a liter and a half of chocolate milk that was going to go bad that I had to drink too... So when we got to their house I was already stuffed. And they gave me a bunch. It was really good but I was sweating to try and finish it all. Ha ha.

Then after I sat against the wall for a couple of minutes to rest and recover we had a very spiritual lesson with them. We started with the movie of the Restoration which they have never seen. And then we asked them what they thought about the message and how they felt. The Mom said she thought it meant that José Smith was a true prophet and that the Lord restored His true Church through him... I told her that was a good answer.

We talked about praying during the night to confirm with Heavenly Father that it is true and then we answered some questions. Then we were prompted to teach about the Word of Wisdom with them and had a very powerful experience with the family thanks to a member we brought along with us.

Whenever we seem to teach them I always seem to end up talking about my family, the love and happiness I have had in my family thanks to the strong influence of the Gospel and how my parents taught me since I was very young the principles of the Gospel. So, thanks for that.

We actually have an exmissionary member who has been leaving with us about 3 times a week to go teach this family and others. He is doing a really great job.

Today as a Zone we went to the outskirts of our Zone. Pochomil. I thought the bus ride was the best part. We went through the mountains and it was all misty and jungle. Pretty neat.

Good luck with work Dad. We will start praying for you too. My companion is very excited to receive emails from the family. Thank you. He says your Spanish is fine.

I’m happy to hear that miracles are happening for the float project mom. Keep up the good work.

Have fun with your last end of school summer Alexis. Are you practicing Spanish? Write me in Spanish next time. Love you lots!

Yeah! School is out Emily! Why are you going to New York and with Who!? I luh you!

I’m glad to hear you got all of the Stickers Hannah! Now you just have to get all of the Stinking Fairies! Ha ha. P.s. I Lurve You!

Love you all,

Elder Hardy

Ah!!!! and HEY! Guess what I got Friday?! The LOST PACKAGE! Ha ha ha! I like how the date on the box said it was sent on like the 9th of February. And I received it the 3rd of June. But it came! And it wasn’t easy. Guess why it came so late? It had a long journey to get here. I found a paper in the pouch that explained the whole thing. A reroute error from Peru! Ha ha ha My Valentines package took a trip to Peru first. But it was worth the wait. A great package.

Please send a late thank you to the primary of the ward for the letter and drawings. And the Recorder Made it TOO!!! That was a great treat. I loved hearing from the whole family. That was awesome. And even a couple of friends too. Now I need to write to all of them! Too bad it took until now.

But I need to go, Love you.

1 comment:

Michael Ted said...

Does he know that Pinche is a swear word in the rest of Latin America? haha